Monday, April 30, 2012

Le Studio Est Fait!

I have no idea if that is the correct French for "Studio is finished/done", but Babelfish says it is. And everything on the internets is true, right?

It's an enormous relief that my days in studio are kaput, for the time being. In fact, they sort of ended last week, on the Monday, to be exact, at 5 pm. My jury - where we have guest critics show up and rip our projects to shreds - wasn't too helpful, seeing as it turned into little more than an intellectual pissing match between two of the jurors.

C'est la vie.

So now, I'm trying to decide what to do with my summer. I applied for an internship with a sizable firm here in Houston, but I think that fell through, seeing as I have yet to hear from them in any way, shape, or form. Hmph. So I thought, for a bit, that maybe I'd just take classes, but the old parents could use a bit of a financial break from helping their poor almost-30-years-old daughter pay her way through grad school.

I thought about applying to work at one of the cool design shops here in Houston, but on further reflection - and following an allergic reaction to the scented candles that seem to be everywhere these days - I decided that might not be the best option.

I perused the listings on the AIA job-posting board, highly doubtful that a firm would post a job for a summer intern. And yet, there was one! Working on high-end custom homes! And I'm a shoo-in! And they want someone for part-time work 20-30 hours/week), not full-time work, so I could conceivably get a couple of classes out of the way, this summer, too.

I think I have found the solution to my problems. Now, I just have to apply for that position. Here goes nothing!

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