I received word today that I am eligible for the stimulus package's COBRA subsidy-thingy. Hooray! That means that my $480.62 monthly payment dwindles to a mere $160-something. BUT since I've already mailed my March and April payments (and the subsidy-thingy retroactively goes back to March), I'm pretty much covered on Insurance until August. Hooray! That's $480.62 I'll have to save in May, June, and July!
Look out, money-market savings account, you're about to get a huge influx of dough!
In other news, I applied to a job designing - urk - luxury houses. The ones I saw on the company's website were pretty decent, truth to tell, even if I'm not a fan of traditional architecture for me PERSONALLY. I think, though, that as with religion, everyone has their own tastes, and some might be God-awful (ba-dum-dum, get it? Punny?) but people have a right to their own styles. Unless it causes me physical or mental harm. I don't know whether I'll get the job, yet. I intend to call tomorrow to make sure they received my curriculum vitae, etc...
Part of me worries, because I don't have a whole heck of a lot of experience designing single family homes, or designing in a traditional style, but I CAN do it, I did it as a hobby back before I went to architecture school and discovered the wonderful world of modern architecture and museum design and all that fancy expensive stuff. So I don't have a portfolio that includes a lot of traditional architecture, although I do have sketches I did of traditional mixed-use development I helped design, but they're not enough.
I doubt my experience designing luxury condos will be seen as easily translatable into the single-family market, but you've got to jump from the nest before you know if you can fly, right?